
Night-before Pizza Dough

Makes 4-5 12 inch pizzas (each of which is plenty for 2 adults) This pizza dough takes about 18 hours to make from start to finish. Start this the day before you plan to make it. Dough can be refrigerated for 3-4 days, or frozen.

Pizza Photo

Total Ingredients

The night before

12-14 hours before you plan to wake up

Ingredients for this part

Steps for this part

The following morning

12-14 hours later

Ingredients for this part

Steps for this part

Later in the day (2-4 hours after previous step)

Later in the day (6 hours from when the full dough was mixed)

Dough can be refrigerated for several days, or frozen.

Using frozen dough

Ready to assemble your pizza

You can now use your dough to assemble and cook some pizza. See my page on Pizza Topping Considerations for some important considerations for assembling your final pizza, no matter what dough you are using.